카테고리 없음

Y3T 트레이닝 프로그램

머슬앤피트니스 2020. 8. 14. 17:11

머슬앤피트니스 코리아


Week 1 Y3T


여자는 12-15회 반복



Quadriceps & Hamstrings


Warm up with 4 sets of Wide Stance Leg Press


4 Working sets of Wide Stance Leg Press 8-10 Reps [레그 프레스]


4 Working sets of Squats 8-10 Reps (You may need to do 2-3 Warm up sets first) [스쿼트]


4 Working sets of Hill Squats 8-10 Reps (You can use Dumbbells or a plate to do this exercise) [뒷꿈치로 원판을 밟

고 하는 스쿼트]


Warm up with 4 sets of Lying Leg Curls [레그 컬]


4 Working sets of Lying Leg Curls 8-10 Reps [레그 컬]


4 Working sets of Single Leg Lying Leg Curls 8-10 Reps [레그 컬 한쪽 다리씩]


2 Working sets of Barbell Stiff-Leg Deadlifts 8-10 Reps [스티프 레그드 데드 리프트]



Back & Biceps


Warm up with 4 sets of Close Grip Pull Downs [좁은 그립 풀다운]


3 Working sets of Close Grip Pull downs 8-10 Reps [좁은 그립 풀다운]


3 Working sets of Barbell Rows 8-10 Reps [바벨 로우]


3 Working sets of Seated Low Pulley Rows 8-10 Reps [로우 풀리 로우]


2 Working sets of Rack Pulls 8-10 Reps [풀다운 머신에서 서서 아래쪽으로 당기는 풀]


2 Working sets of Wide Grip Pull Downs 8-12 Reps [넓은 그립 풀다운]


Warm up with 4 sets of Wide Grip Standing Barbell Curls [바벨 컬]


4 Working sets of Wide Grip Standing Barbell Curls 8-10 Reps [바벨 컬]


4 Working sets of Narrow Grip EZ-Bar Curls 8-10 Reps [좁은 그립 이지바 컬]


2 Working sets of Seated Dumbbell Curls 8-10 Reps [벤치에 앉아 덤벨 컬]



Chest & Triceps


Warm up with 4 sets of Flat Dumbbell press [플랫 벤치 덤벨 프레스]


3 Working sets of Flat Dumbbell Press 8-10 Reps [플렛 벤치 덤벨 프레스]


3 Working sets of Flat Dumbbell Fly’s 8-10 Reps [플렛 벤치 덤벨 플라이]


3 Working sets of Incline Dumbbell Press 8-10 Reps [인클라인 덤벨 프레스]


3 Working sets of Weighted Dips 8-10 Reps [딥]


Warm up with 4 sets of Seated EZ-Bar Extensions [이지바 트라이셉 익스텐션]


4 Working sets of Seated EZ-Bar Extensions 8-10 Reps [이지바 트라이셉 익스텐션]


4 Working sets of Straight Bar Cable Push Downs 8-10 Reps [케이블 푸쉬 다운]


2 Working sets of Straight Bar Bent Over Extensions 8-10 Reps [벤트 오버 익스텐션]



Shoulders & Calves


Warm up with 4 sets of Dumbbell Press [덤벨 숄더 프레스]


4 Working sets of Dumbbell Press 8-10 Reps [덤벨 숄더 프레스]


6 Working sets of Standing Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises 8-10 Reps [사이드 레터럴 레이즈]


4 Working sets of Dumbbell Bent Over Raises 8-12 Reps [덤벨 벤트오버 레이즈]


2 Working sets of Standing Cable Rope Pulls to Forehead Height 8-12 Reps [케이블 아래서부터 몸통 위로 올리는 케이블 풀]


Warm up with 4 sets of Standing Calve Raises [스탠딩 카프 레이즈]


4 Working sets of Standing Calf Raises 10-14 Reps [스탠딩 카프 레이즈]4 Working sets of Seated Calf Raises 10-14 Reps [시티드 카프 레이즈]



Week 2 Y3T


여자는 16-20회 반복


Quadriceps & Hamstrings


Warm up with 4 sets of Squats [스쿼트]


3 Working sets of Squats 14-18 Reps [스쿼트]


3 Working sets of Hack Squats 14-18 Reps [핵스쿼트]


3 Working sets of Narrow Stance Leg Press 14-18 Reps [스탠스를 좁힌 레그 프레스]


Warm up with 4 sets of Dumbbell Stiff-Leg Deadlifts [스티프 레그드 데드 리프트]


6 Working sets of Lying Leg Curls 14-18 Reps [라잉 레그컬]


2 Working sets of Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts 14-18 Reps [덤벨 스티프 레그드 데드 리프트]



Back & Biceps


Warm up with 4 sets of Lat Pulldowns [랫 풀다운]


3 Working sets of Lat Pulldowns 14-18 Reps [랫 풀다운]


3 Working sets of Medium Grip Low Pulley Rows 14-18 Reps [중간 그립 로우 풀리 로우]


3 Working sets of T-Bar Rows 14-18 Reps [티바 로우]


3 Working sets of Hammer High Lever Rows 14-18 Reps [해머 하이 로우]


Warm up with 4 sets of Standing Dumbbell Curls [스탠딩 덤벨 컬]


4 Working sets of Standing Dumbbell Curls 14-18 Reps [스탠딩 덤벨 컬]


3 Working sets of EZ-Bar Curls 14-18 Reps [이지바 컬]


2 Working sets of Dumbbell Hammer Curls 14-18 Reps [덤벨 해머 컬]



Chest & Triceps


Warm up with 4 sets of Incline Barbell Press [인클라인 바벨 프레스]


4 Working sets of Incline Barbell Press 14-18 Reps [인클라인 바벨 프레스]


4 Working sets of Incline Dumbbell Fly 14-18 Reps [인클라인 덤벨 플라이]


3 Working sets of Incline Barbell Press 14-18 Reps [인클라인 바벨 프레스]


2 Working sets of Cable Cross-Overs 14-18 Reps [케이블 크로스 오버]


Warm up with 4 sets of Incline EZ-Bar Skull Crushers [이지바 스컬 크러셔]


4 Working sets of Incline EZ-Bar Skull Crushers 14-18 Reps [이지바 스컬 크러셔]


3 Working sets of Barbell or Smith Machine Close Grip Press 14-18 Reps [클로즈 그립 벤치 프레스]


2 Working set of Dumbbell Single Arm Kick Backs 14-18 Reps [덤벨 킥백]



Shoulders & Calves


Warm up with 4 sets of Standing Barbell Power Press [스탠딩 바벨 숄더 프레스]


6 Working sets of Standing Barbell Power Press 14-18 Reps [스탠딩 바벨 숄더 프레스]


4 Working sets of Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raises 14-18 Reps [시티드 덤벨 레터럴 레이즈]


4 Working sets of Dumbbell Bent Over Raises 14-18 Rise 14-18 Reps [덤벨 벤트오버 레이즈]


2 Working sets of Lying Incline Barbell Front Raises 14-18 Rep [라잉 인클라인 프론트 레이즈]


Warm up with 3 sets of Leg Press Calf Raises [레그 프레스에서 하는 카프 레이즈]


3 Working sets of Leg Press Calf Raises 20-25 Reps [레그 프레스에서 하는 카프 레이즈]


3 Working sets of Seated Calf Raises 20-25 Reps [시티드 카프 레이즈]



Week 3 Y3T


Quadriceps & Hamstrings


Warm up with 2-3 sets of Leg Press [레그 프레스]


4 Working Giant sets of Leg Press 40-50 Reps / Leg Extensions 20-30 Reps / Squats 15-20 Reps


[자이언트 세트 / 레그 프레스 / 레그 익스텐션 / 스쿼트] 매 운동시마다 실패 지점까지 도달후 다음 운동으로 실행


(Remember you MUST perform Every exercise to failure before going onto the next exercise)


Warm up with 4 sets of Lying Leg Curls [라잉 레그 컬]


4 Working Super sets of Lying Leg Curls 20-25 Reps / Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts 20-25 Reps


[슈퍼 세트 / 라잉 레그 컬 / 덤벨 스티프 레그드 데드리프트] 대퇴 이두근을 바른 자세로 고립시키지 않으면 등 하부에 부상을 당할수 있으니 조심


(Make sure you isolate your hamstrings or your lower back will be hit! Get your training partner to put pressure

on your lower back whilst doing your Lying leg Curls, this will help with the stress being transferred to

your lower back whilst performing the exercise)



Back & Biceps


Warm up with 3 sets of T-Bar Rows [티바 로우]


2 Working Super sets of T-Bar Rows 15-20 Reps / Straight Arm Pull Downs 15-20 Reps [티바 로우 / 스트레이트 풀 다운]


2 Working sets of Rack Pulls 20-25 Reps [랙 풀]


2 Working Super sets of Low Pulley Cable Rows 15-20 Reps / Standing Dumbbell Row 15-20 Reps [로우 풀리 케이블 로우 / 덤벨 로우]


2 Working Super sets of Lat Pull Downs 15-20 Reps / Hyper Extensions as many Reps as possible [랫 풀다운 / 하이퍼 익스텐션]


Warm up with 3 sets of Standing Barbell Curls [스탠딩 바벨 컬]


3 Working Triple Drop sets of Standing Barbell Curls 15-20 Reps on each Drop [스탠딩 바벨 컬 드롭 세트]


2 Working Drop sets of Seated Dumbbell Curls 20-25 Reps on each drop [시티드 덤벨 컬 드롭 세트]



Chest & Triceps


Warm up with 3 sets of Dumbbell Press [덤벨 프레스]


3 Working Super sets of Incline Smith Machine Press 15-20 Reps / Incline Fly 15-20 Reps [스미스머신 젠치 프레스 / 인클라인 플라이]


2 Working Drop sets of Flat Smith Machine Press 15-20 Reps [스미스머신 벤치 프레스]


2 Working Triple Drop sets of Cable Cross Overs 15-20 Reps [케이블 크로스 오버 드롭 세트]

Warm up with 3 sets of Straight Bar Cable Push Downs [케이블 푸쉬 다운]


2 Working Triple Drop sets of Straight Bar Push Downs 15-20 Reps on each drop [푸쉬 다운 드롭 세트]


2 Working Triple Drop sets of Straight Bar Bent Over Cable Extensions 20-25 Reps on each drop [케이블 익스텐션 드롭 세트]


2 Working sets of Dumbbell Single Arm Kick Backs 20-25 Reps [덤벨 킥백]


Shoulders & CalvesWarm up with 3 sets of Seated Dumbbell Press [덤벨 숄더 프레스]


3 Working Giant sets of Standing Dumbbell Press 15-20 Reps / Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raises 15-20 Reps /Seated


Dumbbell Bent Over Raises 15-20 Reps / Rope Pulls 15-20 Reps / Low Pulley Straight Arm Raises15-20 Reps[자이언트 세트 / 스탠딩 덤벨 프레스 / 시티드 덤벨 레터럴 레이즈 / 시티드 벤트오버 레이즈 / 로프 풀 / 로우 풀리 암 레이즈]


Warm up with 2 sets of Standing Calf Raises [스탠딩 카프 레이즈] 4 Working Super sets of Standing Calf Raises 20-30 Reps / Seated Calf Raises 20-30 Reps [스탠딩 카프 레이즈 / 시티드 카프 레이즈]


That concludes the Y3T 3 week training rotation! Over the next 12 weeks I want you to continually rotateeach training week and focus on becoming better at performing within the set rep ranges, with theprescribed rep tempos and rest periods. Ideally over time, you’ll become stronger!Ladies please note – the workout programme is highly effective for you! However, for the next 12 weeks Irecommend on week 1 you change the rep ranges to what is listed to 12-15 repetitions. During week 2increase the rep range to 16-20 and during week 3 follow it as already listed. For some women who arehighly experienced with weight training the set rep ranges in the plan are going to be appropriate, howeveras this is for a broader audience I have to account for beginners as well.